The great thing about having a child with special needs is that you find the best doctors. You are taught physical, occupational, speech, and other types of therapy. You become very organized ~ because your priorities change. You are able to navigate questions, comments and looks ~ sometimes with grace ~ sometimes with sarcasm! You welcome a completely different way of life.
The best part... you find people that love their children for everything they are and are not. Parents that truly celebrate each and every milestone. People with huge hearts that would do absolutely anything for your child. It's never about where you live, the car you drive, your job title, how many vacations you take... it's about waiting for that first step, that first word, sorting colors, coloring for more than 10 seconds, grabbing your hand to communicate their wants, signing "more" when swinging and listening to the most awesome giggle in the world.
I love you
Happy Birthday McKenzie!!!