Tuesday, November 23, 2010

McKenzie's 5

5 years ago, I was given the most precious gift ~ McKenzie Raye.  I had waited my whole life for this baby but had no idea just how much this little one would change my life.  Her entrance into the world was a rocky one.  She was whisked off to the NICU with daddy hot on their heels.  She was 7lbs and 7oz ~ 100% fighter.  McKenzie was born with an unnamed chromosome disorder.  She has challenges but almost always has a smile on her face.  There are some really tough days when you are the parent of a child with special needs.  More doctors than you care to juggle.  More therapy appointments than can possibly be scheduled in a week.  Sleepless nights either because they are awake or you are awake waiting to hear a noise.  You have to learn how to navigate questions, comments and looks, and accept a completely different way of life than the stuff you imagined.

The great thing about having a child with special needs is that you find the best doctors.  You are taught physical, occupational, speech, and other types of therapy.  You become very organized ~ because your priorities change. You are able to navigate questions, comments and looks ~ sometimes with grace ~ sometimes with sarcasm!  You welcome a completely different way of life.

The best part... you find people that love their children for everything they are and are not.  Parents that truly celebrate each and every milestone. People with huge hearts that would do absolutely anything for your child.  It's never about where you live, the car you drive, your job title, how many vacations you take... it's about waiting for that first step, that first word, sorting colors, coloring for more than 10 seconds, grabbing your hand to communicate their wants, signing "more" when swinging and listening to the most awesome giggle in the world. 

I love you

Happy Birthday McKenzie!!! 

The Shoe Fits!

I'm not living the fairy tale I dreamed as a little girl. It's BETTER than I could have imagined!

David & I have been together for 20 years, with four wonderful kids that have all been special in their own way. When we had our daughter, McKenzie, life changed for all of us. The phrase "kids don't come with a manual" didn't even touch the surface when taking care of McKenzie! She has taken us on a very special and sometimes difficult adventure.

We feel blessed to remember what is really important in life and to value the importance of family time. Leaving my "career" was difficult for me, but McKenzie gave me the directly I needed.

I now work from home helping others do the same thing. It's so rewarding to help people reach their financial goals by showing others a way to get fit, get health and provide financial security for their family.

The true fairy tale came true because I made it happen!

Follow us on our journey or join our adventure!


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Are YOU ready for a CHALLENGE?