Thursday, September 2, 2010

Don't Let Frustration Get You Down!!!

I thought that staying at home would be a piece of cake!  I work 40 hours outside the house plus travel time, and get everything done.  I'll have plenty of time to myself.  NOT!!!  Do you think Ms. Cunningham was mixing a cocktail at 4p, too?  Being a stay at home mom can be tough and the best thing in the world all at the same time.

FATIGUE.  Starting the day with little ones... wrestling on their clothes, and the list of instructions - brush your teeth, comb your hair, tie your shoes, get your back pack, eat breakfast, get the the car, turn off the tv..... where the heck was my COFFEE I'm EXHAUSTED?????  You don't necessarily get a break when you want one!  Just when I get both of the little ones down for a nap, and I can relax for a minute, anxiety kicks in and I'm off to the races to get things done.  If you're feeling worn out, don't use naptime to rush through chores.  Recharge your own batteries while the kids are recharging theirs.

GROUNDHOG'S DAY.  It's okay to say it... it get's boring! Try new activities, especially things that get everybody outside. Schedule another playdate but with new people.  Do things together as a family that everyone - including Mom - enjoys.

WHERE'S THE CASH.   It's not what you make, it's what you spend.  Don't fall prey to instant gratification, which steals your precious dollars.  If you've been cutting back and still can't make your bills, consider a part-time job. Your kids will not benefit if their parents go bankrupt! 

ANYBODY?  ANYBODY?  It's great to spend time with other moms at the 1,000 activities designed for kids, but what about you? Join Mom's Circles or something so that you are interacting with women who have made the same choices can really brighten your day. 

I MISS WORKING.  I did!  There's no reason you can't get the satisifaction of holding a job while being a stay at home mom, which also helps build strong communications with other moms throughout the day to avoid being lonely.  Find balance with an at home business that won't take up all of your family time.  Giving your selfesteem a boost helps everyone in the family. If Mom's Not Happy, Nobody's Happy!

Surround yourself with supportive positive people!!  When all else fails, give your kid a hug.  Reinforce to yourself again just why you made th choice to stay home.

The Shoe Fits!

I'm not living the fairy tale I dreamed as a little girl. It's BETTER than I could have imagined!

David & I have been together for 20 years, with four wonderful kids that have all been special in their own way. When we had our daughter, McKenzie, life changed for all of us. The phrase "kids don't come with a manual" didn't even touch the surface when taking care of McKenzie! She has taken us on a very special and sometimes difficult adventure.

We feel blessed to remember what is really important in life and to value the importance of family time. Leaving my "career" was difficult for me, but McKenzie gave me the directly I needed.

I now work from home helping others do the same thing. It's so rewarding to help people reach their financial goals by showing others a way to get fit, get health and provide financial security for their family.

The true fairy tale came true because I made it happen!

Follow us on our journey or join our adventure!


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