Thursday, August 19, 2010

NOW in Control

People tell me all the time that I must be a "strong person" to have been giving a special child.  Like, God just pointed down and said... Yup, Julie can handle it I pick her!  Realistically God told me to get my priorities in check! 

It was my priviledge this past week to be included in a Leadership Training Session with Hyrum Smith.  He didn't know it, but he explained how I am able to be a "special mom."  Simply - I'm forced to do the daily activities that most of us put off to another day.   I lost the title of "President of Control Freak Division" on November 26 ~ the day McKenzie arrived.   When you try to control everything, especially trying to control something you don't even understand, life becomes out of control.  Took me 40 years to admit it!

I don't consider myself any different than everyone else.  We all have issues ~ we all have families!!!  Seriously, we all deal with challenges in life and we all see life in different light, but when there is an event we CAN control, and we start believing that we CAN'T control it, but if the need is big enough and WE CAN MAKE ANYTHING HAPPEN!!!   Being the parent of an exceptional child proves to me everyday that I CAN make anything happen because SHE needs me to make it happen! 

Inner Peace ~ Having serenity, balance & harmony in our lives achieved thru the appropriate control of events.

The Shoe Fits!

I'm not living the fairy tale I dreamed as a little girl. It's BETTER than I could have imagined!

David & I have been together for 20 years, with four wonderful kids that have all been special in their own way. When we had our daughter, McKenzie, life changed for all of us. The phrase "kids don't come with a manual" didn't even touch the surface when taking care of McKenzie! She has taken us on a very special and sometimes difficult adventure.

We feel blessed to remember what is really important in life and to value the importance of family time. Leaving my "career" was difficult for me, but McKenzie gave me the directly I needed.

I now work from home helping others do the same thing. It's so rewarding to help people reach their financial goals by showing others a way to get fit, get health and provide financial security for their family.

The true fairy tale came true because I made it happen!

Follow us on our journey or join our adventure!


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Are YOU ready for a CHALLENGE?